Sunday, September 26, 2010

Social Media - Product Shoot - Good Week

I have a friend that once gave me council to be focus on the present.  For those that are around me on any given day know that the council is sound but so-so on the execution.  The last couple of weeks have been fun, full of anxiety, and rewarding  

Maybe it is a sign of rookieness toward social media but I am grappling with what my voice should be on this blog, Twitter (@ochoab1), or Facebook.  There is a part of me that wants everyone to find a fine art photo on my site that speaks to them enough to purchase one or two (today?).  There is another part that looks at this as a marathon and that over time and as we get to know each other better (whether through social media, the old fashion phone, or even more old person.  So for the present, I am trusting through some planning, hard work and a tad of luck, the future will take care of itself.  The photo below was taken in 2004 of two older friends walking together.  This is the one I think about when too much anxiety takes over.  Nothing better than walking along with your best friend (in my case, it will be my lovely wife) as we move along this adventure.  

In the news...
I also did another photo shoot for  This is the second set of products for this great company and equally as fun to shoot.  I have so much more confidence shooting bright, metallic or white products or a white web background.  I am also more efficient in terms of # of takes to final proofs.  Here are links a couple of the final proofs:

Mankinddog blanket and three designer leashes  

While you are there, poke around the site.  If you see something you like, let me know we can chat (old fashion social media).  

A couple of companies that have really stepped up for me and my business over the last few weeks.
So, all-in-all a couple of great weeks!  So for now, back to thinking about the present, or is it worrying about tomorrow...


Thursday, September 16, 2010


Short post today for two reasons, first is a promise to myself to post more and second is to highlight two photos that I took a couple of weeks ago.

I always find it interesting what captures my interest. The first pic is simply of my bracelet I wear religiously everyday put into a star shape and placed on my iPad screen. I added some vignette to highlight the subject.

The second photo is made from a set of magnets in typical 3D shapes (triangles, squares). I wanted the reflection off the granite to highlight the shapes. I did a series of the pieces placed at different points along the plane with my nifty 50 wide open but ended up liking this one the best.

In the news!

I ordered the prints for the exhibition at the Tubac Center of the Arts from MPIX. What a great fulfillment house for Photographers. It is easy, intuitive and the right price for what I need. Along these lines, I am going to try out using using Smugmug partners for my next order to see how MPIX compares in cost and service. I will update you on how that comparison turns out.

Be sure to check put my newly designed site. My site

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:E County Down Dr,Chandler,United States

Monday, September 6, 2010


I prefer to look forward and see the opportunities that lie ahead.  That is why I only spent a few moments of regret that the last time I posted was nine months ago (my teaser post last week doesn't really count)!  Much has happened in that is fine, the day job is rewarding and no shortage of work and we are fortunate to have such great friends.  

Great news, it's alive!   
My Smugmug website sports a new logo, clean, uncluttered, flow and the ability to order prints directly from the site.  While on the subject, a shout out to Smugmug is in order...they are a great company and by far the best support available to photographers.  Their forum is informative and when one gets stuck, their support is immediate, cheerful, accurate, and a sense of humor to top it off!  If you are looking for a place to host your photos, this is a great company that I would put on the top of my shortlist.  
Click here to check out the new makeover.

In the news:  
I recently submitted several photos for an exhibition for the Tubac Center of the Arts and just received confirmation that the picture below was accepted!  

Nikon 300, Aperture Priority, ISO 800, 24mm, NIK Silver Efex Pro

This and many other great selections will be on display at the Tubac Center of the Arts in October through November.   Here is the link to learn more about both the center and Tubac   Be warned...Tubac is a great place to visit...a couple of visits and you may want to move there.  

That is it for now...look for more posts in the near (at least weekly).  

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