Thursday, October 15, 2009

Skyfire 2

One more photo of the Tubac skyfire!

-- Posted from my iPhone

The sky was on fire!!!

Tubac Arizona 2009 - Sunset:

There are many things to love about Tubac; at the top of the list would be the magnificent sunsets!

This leads to a there any real photographic talent in shooting a spectacular event of nature? I think the answer is (as in most cases) yes and no. Yes there is talent for some basic reasons:
  • It takes talent to know where the camera is at the time of the event
  • It takes talent to know that the window for shooting sunsets is short and one better hustle to get the camera to take the shot
  • It takes talent to point the camera in the direction of the event
  • and it takes talent to press the shutter.

Seriously, the real talent is in the composition of the photo. It is taking a look at the scene, picking out the vantage point and the area that speaks most to the photographer. It is the color, the texture, and the contrast of the key areas that bring the viewer into the photo.

This was a special evening in Tubac and of the many photos, these are some of my favorite shots. Never sure a camera and a sole photographer can do justice to the full experience of a night where the sky seemed to be on fire.

Hope you enjoyed the pics...I know I had fun taking them. Please check out my smugmug site here!